
For international students, we write some comments in Japanese and English

  • 英語による研究指導が可能です.大学院進学で当研究室を希望される場合は,お気軽にメールください.
  • We (UEC Tokyo) can supervise your master's thesis in English. If you are interested in our laboratory's theme and want to be a grad student of UEC Tokyo, please contact me. Otherwise, you can search appropriate laboratories from UEC research information.
  • If you pass a postgraduate exam and becomes a grad student, you can apply several supports for international students (See here). Unfortunately, the links are written in Japanese. Please be careful about the application period.
  • もし修士論文を日本語で執筆することを希望される場合,語学力基準は日本語能力試験JLPTN1合格(場合によってはそれ以上の能力)とお考えください.
  • If you want to write your master's thesis in Japanese, you have to have enough reading/writing skills to understand this web page. In some cases, you need to have ability greater than that of the person who passed N1 level of the Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) . Otherwise, we recommend you to write your master's thesis in English.
  • 日本の大学の研究室のインターシップを希望する場合,渡航費として日本政府の幾つかの奨学金を利用することができます.ただし,申請期間にご注意ください.基本的に,日本の研究室の多くはインターンシップ受入のための資金を即決で用意することは予算ルール上難しいです.
  • If you want to join international internships of Japanese universities without having done much local research, often, you need to provide travel expenses by yourselves. To avoid such the situation, please survey Japan youth exchange programs to get funds. For example, Sakura Science for Asia regions. Japan government has several funds supporting you (See here). Unfortunately, the links are written in Japanese. Please be careful about the application period. Basically, it is difficult for Japanese laboratories to provide travel expenses rapidly due to the funding rules.
  • 現在,個別に対応できない程度の研究生(中国語では預科生)希望メールを受け取っています.研究生経由で大学院博士前期課程へ進学する場合,幾つかの条件がありますので,本学の研究生(外国人留学生)のページを参照ください.基本的に,当研究室は大学院進学のための研究生受入は学資の観点から推奨しておりません.
  • We receive several application e-mails about research students (Finally, he or she hopes that we welcome them as a postgraduate). In Japan, research students are not treated as grad students and have more difficulty to get funds than grad students and you need to find some supports for living expenses by yourselves. We recommend you to pass a postgraduate exam instead of becoming a research student.